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"You deserve someone who will love you in all your damaged glory" - Raphael Bob-Waksberg

For so long, I was afraid of taking risks. It took a while before I let acting become a driving force in my life, too. 

Diane in 'Bojack Horseman' talks a lot about this concept of "good damage." And just like how Diane relied so much on having to turn her burdens into something meaningful, I found myself in a similar position where I was trying to compensate for my hunger for performance with academics. Because I thought it wasn't good enough and going inside an industry that sometimes seems like a black hole was terrifying. 


But as days became months and months became years, I couldn't stop pressing play on that favourite film of mine and it was so rewarding to be seen. Seen by fictional characters who understood me. That's when I knew that it was time to take that leap of faith. 


I still have completely no idea of what's going to happen to me. But every day I make a choice to stay. And it's so worth it because my own version of damaged glory shines as an artist. And I want to witness that every day. 

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